Monday, July 29, 2013


My daughter is learning what sharing means.  She hasn't quite got the concept yet, but she is trying.

She loves coloring with me.  However, if I have a color she wants, she takes it from me.  If I am coloring where she wants to color, she moves my hand.  The truth of the matter is, I usually don't care what I am coloring or with which colors, but I have to teach her to share and to take turns.  Sometimes I forget to do that.

She discovered a Sesame Street episode that talked about sharing and it was her favorite thing to watch for weeks.  She watched it dozens of times.  After watching the show for a while, she changed her tactics.  Now, instead of just taking the crayon from me, she will look right into my face and say, "share," then take the crayon away from me.

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