Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Be Happy

I know there are stay at home moms who are lucky enough to be able to afford to not work who feel guilty about wanting to work.  It is important for everyone to feel fulfilled.  Just because my greatest desire is to be a stay at home mom, that doesn't mean everyone has to have the same desire as me.  Everyone needs to feel happy with their life.  If there is a stay at home mom who feels that she needs to do something for herself, to be with adults, to do something "productive" (not that being a homemaker isn't productive) in order for her to be happy, she ought to do it.  It doesn't need to be full time.  Just a little something to remind her that she is more than just, "Mommy."

It's like the sign my mother had on our wall growing up, "If Mommy ain't happy, ain't nobody happy."

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