Thursday, August 15, 2013

Cleaning Up

To continue with my ant story. . .

Finding those ants happened in the morning.  Due to my daughter's outburst at seeing the ants, I avoided checking to see if I had killed them all.  I should have checked during her nap and worked on it then, but I did not.  After her nap we went to my parents' house.  When we came home I put her down for bed and I started cleaning.  Then I got distracted by my idea of starting this blog.  By the time I was ready to go to bed, it was really late (or should I say early in the morning?).

At that time I decided to check on the ant situation before I went to bed.  UGH!  They were everywhere in our bedroom and I had to spend the next 2 hours trying to get rid of them!  I should have taken care of it during her nap!

Why didn't my husband help with the ant situation you ask?  Well, I told him to go sleep on the couch because he had to get up early for work and I did not.  If he did not have to work early the next morning he would have helped, as he had done many times in the past.  But since I was on summer break and wasn't working I thought I'd let him sleep.

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