Friday, August 9, 2013


So the day I started this blog, I found some ants in our bedroom.  We had been having a battle with the ants for several months.  We'd find them, get rid of them. clean the area extremely well, and put down talc to avoid them from returning.

On this particular day I was so upset.  I had no idea where they were coming from.  I was sick of trying to stay on top of those pests.  I was saying things like, "Where do they keep coming from." "I can't believe it."
UGH."  As my husband puts it, I was getting emotional about it.

My daughter has seen ants before.  She has noticed them before we do.  She points at them and says, "Ants, ants."  I then try to kill all of them while she stands by laughing.  Sometimes she'll even try to step on them.

This time, a of a sudden she started freaking out.  She was border line hysterical.  I feared I had turned my normally curious child into a ant fearing one. I tried showing her how big she was and I tried stepping on ants and I told her to step on ants with me but she was too terrified to do anything.  What had I done? I traumatized my daughter for life!

Apparently I was over exaggerating because the next day (when we found more ants) she didn't seem so upset at all.  I just can't get upset when I see those ants (at least when she is around).

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