Thursday, August 15, 2013

Cleaning Up

To continue with my ant story. . .

Finding those ants happened in the morning.  Due to my daughter's outburst at seeing the ants, I avoided checking to see if I had killed them all.  I should have checked during her nap and worked on it then, but I did not.  After her nap we went to my parents' house.  When we came home I put her down for bed and I started cleaning.  Then I got distracted by my idea of starting this blog.  By the time I was ready to go to bed, it was really late (or should I say early in the morning?).

At that time I decided to check on the ant situation before I went to bed.  UGH!  They were everywhere in our bedroom and I had to spend the next 2 hours trying to get rid of them!  I should have taken care of it during her nap!

Why didn't my husband help with the ant situation you ask?  Well, I told him to go sleep on the couch because he had to get up early for work and I did not.  If he did not have to work early the next morning he would have helped, as he had done many times in the past.  But since I was on summer break and wasn't working I thought I'd let him sleep.

Friday, August 9, 2013


So the day I started this blog, I found some ants in our bedroom.  We had been having a battle with the ants for several months.  We'd find them, get rid of them. clean the area extremely well, and put down talc to avoid them from returning.

On this particular day I was so upset.  I had no idea where they were coming from.  I was sick of trying to stay on top of those pests.  I was saying things like, "Where do they keep coming from." "I can't believe it."
UGH."  As my husband puts it, I was getting emotional about it.

My daughter has seen ants before.  She has noticed them before we do.  She points at them and says, "Ants, ants."  I then try to kill all of them while she stands by laughing.  Sometimes she'll even try to step on them.

This time, a of a sudden she started freaking out.  She was border line hysterical.  I feared I had turned my normally curious child into a ant fearing one. I tried showing her how big she was and I tried stepping on ants and I told her to step on ants with me but she was too terrified to do anything.  What had I done? I traumatized my daughter for life!

Apparently I was over exaggerating because the next day (when we found more ants) she didn't seem so upset at all.  I just can't get upset when I see those ants (at least when she is around).

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


My husband and I are not dog lovers.  As a matter of fact we had a real fear of dogs when we were younger.  We did not want our daughter to be afraid of dogs.  So, whenever I saw dogs or puppies, I excitedly showed them to my daughter.

My daughter LOVES dogs!  I hope I don't have to break her heart one day, because if she ever asks to have a pet dog or puppy I will have to say no.  I know it's the parents who end up taking care of the pets. The kids say they will do all the work but it is the parents who have the responsibility of making sure it gets done when the kids fail to do their job.

In the meantime she is content playing with other people's dogs!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Sleep Overs

My nephew spent the night at our house a few weeks ago.  He is about 6 years older than my daughter (who is two years old).  My daughter didn't know he was spending the night.  All she knew was that she had a friend to play with.

The two of them played happily until it was time to go to bed and then my daughter didn't want to have anything to do with that.  I told the kids to pick out books to read.  My daughter pointed at the door of her playroom and shouted at me, "Share!"

After we read scriptures, read books, prayed, and sang a song I told my daughter to give her cousin a hug and a kiss.  I told him he was going to go to bed too.  She got so upset!  She did not want him to sleep in her crib.  All of a sudden she couldn't wait to go to bed.  She had to claim her crib for herself before her 8 year old cousin took it from her!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

"Play Dates"

Is it bad that I look forward to watching another person's child at home with my daughter?  I look forward to  my daughter playing with another child.  She demands less of my attention and I can get more things done in a day.