Friday, June 24, 2016

What's The Difference

So I am in a situation where I can choose to continue what I have already been doing. . . working "outside" the home in an occupation that requires me to take work home OR take a leap and attempt to find work where I can work from home.

Working from home would mean I could spend more time with my children. Working from home would mean I am constantly thinking about work and when I am going to have time to work from home.

Staying in my current occupation would mean I was away from my children and when I was home I would be constantly thinking about work and when I would have time to work from home.

Which do I choose? The path that leads me home but not there or the path that leads me away from home. I am thinking being home but not "there" might be the better path? But then being away and then coming home and trying to be "there" as much as possible might be the better route.

Oh, what to do, what to do!

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Oh so tired

Wanting to spend all my time with my children until I have to go back to work leaves me with a dilemma. While my children nap, I can try to find ways to earn money. . . or earn money. . . BUT I just had a baby and I fall asleep. . .

Monday, June 13, 2016

Fund Me

As I hear about all of those people who get a Go Fund Me account for ridiculous things I sometimes think, "What about me?" Can I get a Go Fund Me account started to support my desire to be a stay at home mom? But I wouldn't do that. I believe that Go Fund Me should go towards families who are struggling to pay for medical bills due to a child's illness or to pay for the funeral for a family who's father was suddenly taken away from them.

So now I struggle with my dilemma. Do I go back to teaching where I know I can earn enough money to pay the bills but takes me away from the precious time I have with my little ones or do I struggle trying to find ways to make a living from home? I am afraid teaching is going to win. That means I have to put my best foot forward and put the needs of my students before the needs of my family or they won't ask me back the next year (assuming I get a job this year) and I'll be in the same situation next year!

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

My Narrative

My last post was almost 2 years ago. My, my, how my life has changed a lot since then.

Once again, I find myself wishing I could find a way to successfully work from home.

Things were going well for us. I was working at a school that I LOVED. I had just given birth to our third child. We got rid of a lot of our debt, leaving just a couple of things to still work on. I was planning fun activities to do with my children this summer. I was thrilled with the opportunity I had before me to finally get my house in order.  I had all these ideas in my head to prepare planning for the next school year - to make next year better than this year.

And then the bubble burst. All the stress lifted from my shoulders by getting rid of all the debt was restored when I got a call from work. They were not going to renew my contract. I was floored. Now what am I going to do? I have 8 weeks until I should be back at work and now I have to spend all that time I was going to devote to my children to now searching for a job. Well, not all of it, but some of it. Time that I was going to dedicate to my children has now been taken away from them.

Now I don't even want to teach anymore. Blame it on the postpartum hormones but I feel so inadequate and I don't feel like trying to convince someone to hire me again.

So my thoughts go back to working from home. What can I do? Can I make enough money from home?

I read a quote someone posted on Facebook about it not being too late to follow your dreams. When I was a little girl I wanted to be a writer. If only I had chosen that career instead. Why did I think I couldn't make it as a writer? I loved creative writing but it got put on the back burner. Why? Now I am out of practice. Even if I did pick up writing again. It won't pay the bills. At least it won't start 8 weeks from now. So what do I do in the meantime? That is the constant question!