Friday, June 24, 2016

What's The Difference

So I am in a situation where I can choose to continue what I have already been doing. . . working "outside" the home in an occupation that requires me to take work home OR take a leap and attempt to find work where I can work from home.

Working from home would mean I could spend more time with my children. Working from home would mean I am constantly thinking about work and when I am going to have time to work from home.

Staying in my current occupation would mean I was away from my children and when I was home I would be constantly thinking about work and when I would have time to work from home.

Which do I choose? The path that leads me home but not there or the path that leads me away from home. I am thinking being home but not "there" might be the better path? But then being away and then coming home and trying to be "there" as much as possible might be the better route.

Oh, what to do, what to do!

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